Byline and Rentals

For the past few years the byline at the top has been ‘Blogged on Bowen’, times are a changing so the new one will reflect the time I’ve spent doing this blogging thing and be: ‘Blogged since May 2001‘ with a link to the original post instead of the home page might be nice too.

The Bowen Island Forum has a classic post on it today, ‘Seeking Rental Opportunity’. The post mentions the seeker has ‘suffered considerable frustration finding a stable home.’ and I had to chuckle at that one. Like the other frustrated one, I moved to Bowen and into a place that I thought was going to be for a long, long time. Still almost paralleling her experience, I found another place that was temporary and when that was over, just before the sleeping in the car stage, the old Marina came to the rescue and have been in a little room in the basement for slightly over a year now.
